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Mobility News Round up - Dame Judi Dench backs call to overturn York blue badge ban

The BBC reports that "Dame Judi Dench has given her "wholehearted support" to campaigners calling for a ban on blue badge parking in York city centre to be lifted. 

Councillors voted unanimously to permanently prevent disabled parking in pedestrianised areas to allow anti-terror defences to be installed, preventing  7,500 blue badge holders in York from being able to access the footstreets,


The decision angered many and as a result Dame Judy spoke out saying

York city centre is a rare jewel that should be free for all to enjoy, including those with a disability and for whom accessible parking is essential."

"As someone living with sight loss, I know only too well how gaining access to places can be exceptionally difficult."

"York city centre should be fully accessible through these types of schemes."

"I should like to offer my wholehearted support to people in the City of York who are asking the local council to reconsider any ban to the blue badge scheme in the city centre."

Marilyn Crawshaw, from the group Reverse The Ban, said Dame Judi's support was "a great boost".

Read the whole story on the BBC News website here


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